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Week 1 Essay_Plague and People

Week 1 Essay_Plague and People

Q Wright presents the historical relationship between population densities and epidemics. Choose two epidemic diseases presented in this week's readings and explain their impact on affected populations.

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Plagues have been a reason for the loss of huge number of populations in one go and the most devastating plague has been the Black Death. But even before that plagues occurred and in fact, entire Europe was taken aback due to the plague issue except for British Isles, at least for initial years. By 1348, British Isles was on the verge of prosperity with its increasing trade once they had beaten France in 1346 but this prosperity was not for long. British Isles had many ships coming and going from its harbors and soon plague was no more a story for British Isles and by 1350, almost half of the population was dead.